Friday, June 15, 2012

6/25 2012 Pearl Bowl

Arch-rivals Obic Seagulls and Fujitsu Frontiers meet once again on Monday night (June 25th) in the 2012 Pearl Bowl at Tokyo Dome. Kickoff is at 7 PM. In the semi-finals Fujitsu dominated the Nojima Rise 31-6. Obic defeated the Kajima Deers in a shootout 47-31.

The Pearl Bowl crowns the X-League's Kanto area division I champion for the spring season (the Impulse took the Green Bowl for the Kansai title).  

Tickets are 1,500 yen in advance and 2,000 yen at the door. Seating is non-reserved and children up to high school age are admitted free. The doors will open at 5 PM.